

My body has decided to punish me for daring to go on holidays. Since getting back to Aus a week ago I’ve been struck down with a fun array of maladies ranging from the T-Rex of stomach bugs known as ‘Samoa Stomach’ (that began while I was still overseas) to a chest infection to an ear infection that led to a perforated ear drum?!

I’ve only managed two days at work this week (oh the guilt) and I’ve been stuck in bed surrounded by a sea of dirty tissues. I’ve also spent about $200 in doctors appointments and antibiotics.

So what have I been up to? Well, in between coughing-up extraterrestrial life, weighing myself (ok that sounds weird, but it’s rather fun to watch your weight temporarily plummet as foreign bacteria takes hold of your digestive system) and watching in horror as my ear bleeds, here are a few things:

  • Watching Orange is the new Black which absolutely lives up to all the hype floating around the interwebs. I actually cried during the pilot as sweet, wide-eyed, artesian soap maker Piper surrenders herself. The tears were probably in large part due to the sleep deprived, pseudoephedrine haze I was under at the time, but still.
  • Traipsing around the blogosphere, I’ve had ample time to catch up on some of my favourite blogs and have discovered some hilarious newbies like The Other Juliette (excellent use of GIFs, note to self: use more GIFs) and I wore Yoga Pants to Work. I love blogs. Do you have a blog? Put a link in the comments please!
  • And finally, I managed to avoid watching The Fast and the Furious Six. That’s right, there have been SIX Fast and Furious movies. My darling housemate borrowed DVDs from the DVD store (video shop?) and that’s one of the ones that made it to our house. I’m all about crappy movies but I generally rule out anything after a sequel (except for Toy Story). To be fair she also got Mean Girls so I’m not complaining!

Well, I’m off to get another lemonade icy pole. Fingers crossed my hearing in my right ear restores itself quick smart. What’s going on with you?

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2 Responses to Sick.

  1. Oh you poor thing! I hope you’re feeling better super soon.
    I have heard so much good stuff about Orange is the new Black – I really should get around to watching it!

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