Introducing Albie

Last Friday we went and picked up the cutest, tiniest, wriggly-est miniature dachshund whom we named Alberto. Albie for short. We are completely besotted with him.

Andy and I have yearned for a dog for a long time and since we are both working from home, now seemed like the perfect time. We’ve had our eyes on dog rescue websites for months but there were so few small dogs and many listings cited a backyard or a companion dog as mandatory. Our two-bedroom apartment does not make us attractive candidates or able to home a Bull Arab, Mastiff or large Bulldog- the breeds that sadly seem to dominate these websites.

After getting permission from our landlord a quick spin on Google led me to Albie and his siblings. I got in touch with the breeder, we organised a socially distant meeting on his front lawn and the rest is history.

As I type this, Albie is curled up in a ball under the desk, atop a blanket next to his plush donut toy. He goes from hyperactive to sleepy in about an hour. Albie loves (which also means wants to destroy) our broom, the couch, our shoelaces and toes. He’s doing really well at sleeping in his crate at night and we only have to take him out once for a bathroom break. We have a trainer and are watching online puppy school to help establish good habits early.

I have quickly transformed into a dog person who won’t shut up about the minutiae of my pup’s day. And I love it. I feel like I’ve been waiting to get into this club for years and I’ve finally made it. Now for more photos:

The house where Albie was born

First trip in the car

Being cute

Nap time

Before we rolled up that rug and it got put far away from tiny puppy teeth for an indefinite period


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7 Responses to Introducing Albie

  1. Cat Sareen says:

    How adorable

  2. Lynne O'Brien says:

    He’s just scrumptious. Congratulations!

  3. Eric Kentor says:

    With you both working from home, it’s the perfect time for concentrated training! (That is, you will be available for Albie to train you and Andrew.) Congratulations and enjoy each other!

    • Bec says:

      He is certainly teaching me a lot! Mostly patience, which is certainly something I need to improve on! Thank you 🙂

  4. Leif Price says:

    Aww, he’s so cute! BTW, congratulations on your new dog!

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